September 2011
Monday, October 03, 2011
Let's review what the pampered has done during her September eh? Two main events actually:
First was this...

The pampered ones got the chance to book a Phuket Trip for 2 on her birthday in conjunction of AirAsia's Zero Fare!
Yeah! Will be Phuket-ing September next year! ^^
So, the pampered one spend her time watched movies and dramas also (Of Course)
Starring Mr Bean aka Rowan Atkinson!
A totally funny and hilarious movie!
Came through this drama advert on tv while in Kl.
So watched when back to Kuching! Summer Romance Shines in Rainbow Color aka 夏の恋は虹色に輝く, starring Matsumoto Jun 松本潤 and Takeuchi Yuko 竹内結子. It's a story about a life of an 2nd generation actor.. More to like love life also!
Done watched this! Bull Doctor ブルドクター! Recommended!
Done watched this too! Team Batista 3: Ariadne's Bullet (チーム・バチスタ3: アリアドネの弾丸)
At first I found it interesting.. in the middle quite boring.. in the end kinda interesting!
And done watched this too! HanaKimi 2011!
Well, personally think that the previous version was much nicer, as I mentioned in the August post!

That's should be it for the September post! More updates soon! Take care everyone!
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