Saturday, August 21, 2010
Is funny eh? Where a fresh graduates for Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Economics working inside Human Resource Development Department. Haha~ Well, some people might think that but the pampered princess thinks that it is a good opportunity and a chance for her to learn more things, experience more things and see more things. Specially on how people dealing with people and cases.
Just can't imagine how will it be like. Will I be the one I used to be? Hahaha~ A new challenge for the pampered little princess. Wish me best of luck! XD
Sunday, August 22, 2010 1:23:00 PM
David here....
Princess ah princess... don;t give up oh. I face the same thing like you. I work in a medical field. Although it is AIA but all seniors from medic background and I dunno why they still hire me ==!
Anyway, I enjoy with it because it totally a new lesson loh... Gambahteh ^^
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:43:00 AM
Most people dont get the job they want.
I am a engineering student but my dream to become a flight attendant. So stupid isnt it?