Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Exactly last month of today, I was already in KL with family for my big brother's wedding.

Well, the pampered ones went there earlier than my family cause of booking the wrong time! Lolx! Oh well, so I spend time waiting time to pass while waiting for a meet up with family by....
Watching TV
.. and iPad-ing.. Well, actually i think iPad can be a mirror! lolx!
& of course playing with Kenji! Adorable~ ^^
Us with Kenji!
So, in KL, i got the chance to eat and eat and eat also.. Bakuteh! Forgot to take a picture of it.. So i upload the tea instead! Lolx!
.. cause of their delicious & juicy 'xiao long bao'
Ate this as main dish.. which I totally forgot the name.. Lols!

Went to various restaurants and coffeshops for mum-mum also. I personally heart this alot:

So basically after my parents and grandma arrive to KL, we went shopping for mum's dinner dress for brother's wedding and to pampered us girls also buy buying lotsa clothes. And besides, preparation for my big brother's big day!

Well, if anyone doubting about both of my parents age, Hahaha!
My dad is just 1 year older than my mum!!
My mum looks young eh?
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