Annah Rais Hot Spring
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Annah Rais Hot Spring is located near Annah Rais Longhouse Homestay, situated at Padawan District, approximate 60km from Kuching.
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Entrance fee is RM5 per person, RM3 per student. So, being a student with a Student Card has the privileges eh?

The hot spring had been upgraded so that visitors can be more comfortable when soaking themselves inside the spring. But for me, I would not soak the whole body cause it's kinda slippery and not so clean (due to the moss on the rocks).
Well, basically the hot spring in this artificial rock is hot whereas the one outside the rock is cold. My first impression for this hot spring is: "Har? Like this nia ah?" cause it's just one spot. That's it. But when you started to sit there, enjoying the wind all those, you'll realise it's actually a really beautiful and peaceful place. It's like a step closer to the nature!
Okay. More pictures:

Well, basically the hot spring in this artificial rock is hot whereas the one outside the rock is cold. My first impression for this hot spring is: "Har? Like this nia ah?" cause it's just one spot. That's it. But when you started to sit there, enjoying the wind all those, you'll realise it's actually a really beautiful and peaceful place. It's like a step closer to the nature!

Saturday, March 19, 2016 12:35:00 PM
Hi, I'm fy, A master student from Unimas in Kuching. Now I am doing a study in Bario, Kampung Annah Rais and Kampung Mongkos in Kuching. I found that you ever been to Kampung Annah Rais before. Therefore, I would like to invite you to fill a survey regards service quality in Kampung Annah Rais and yours satisfaction and destination revisit intention to serve my thesis’s purpose. I would be very appreciating that if you can give a hand to help. You can fill the questionnaire using the link as shown as below. Thanks.